draft two.
Friday, January 29, 2010 | 1:20 AM

when fierce winds tear you away, when raging rains daunt you,

fight back.

when swords pierce your heart, when they viciously slash at you,

fight back.

when evil controls you, when desire tempts you,

fight back.

when darkness sprouts out from the earth, when injustice faces the world,

fight back.

when life is unjust, unfair; when everybody is against your cause,

fight back.

when you are outnumbered, when you have no place to run,

fight back.

when despair is everywhere, when doom looms ahead like a dark cloud of death,

fight back.

when the light is disappearing, when the very last hope is gone,

fight back.

when everything disappears, when the world ends;
when the universe collapses into an irreversible destruction;
when the clock stops,

you fight back.