Wednesday, January 20, 2010 | 4:59 AM

before the angst, lets have some fun.

in class we played teacher bingo! okay you have a list of words, and you guys have to try to ask random questions to make the teacher say that particular word. the person who succeeds will get one point! and cancel it out.


example : simon was like, "mrs lim, are these notes only for our viewing pleasure, or should we study it? "

mrs lim :" of course not only for your viewing pleasure la! go home and -" cut off by class laughter.

teachers were blur, of course.
turns out that me not being able to clear the next hurdle within three steps was cuz i thought it was too far. then i'll stop halfway.

i just ran and jumped from super far, and i cleared it! not very well though. my posture is screwup on the second hurdle.

did it again,
just that i fell down.
no idea how i fell, really. my wound became open and bled, my arm got funny bruises all over. and the hurdle toppled and bounced and hit my head ._.
then later coach said : " next training, this saturday. i give you two days rest. we won't do sledging beforehand, and start hurdles fresh. if you still can't clear properly... - long awkward pause- i'll have to take you off hurdles. for your safety. " ( i fell last last week. )

i'm like, for safety? that's utter bullshit it's just a few freaking scratches. i bet its just cuz i suck. that he thinks i'm wasting his time. that i just can't compare to others. ding hui is a monster, he's like a sec 4. bradley does 400m. eric clears it okay cuz he's tall. yue en has been transferred to sprints.

i'm pissed at myself. really. there was just this intense feeling and anger and i realised, it was at myself. at my imperfect, flawed, me. my height. my strength. my will power. my intelligence.

i'm jealous of those people who're born perfect. tall and strong, good looking, smart, academically and EQ, has a cool attitude, popular. like fuck'em.

i'm gonna prove coach mr tan wrong. i'm gonna fucking show him that i didn't waste the last two months of hard work for nothing. i'm not gonna waste my efforts in changing cca. i. am. staying. in. track.