Saturday, February 20, 2010 | 6:34 AM

i'm starting to be unable to stand alot of people.

pathetic, despo-for-attention, plain stupid, suck-up, tries to be popular but fails, is a complete asshole, doesn't care about people's feelings, only jealous of others and shows it meanly,unable to control temper, just damn arrogant,hypocrites,

all of'em.


i mean, just as they are now, they could have been born that way, or it's a bad habit, yet they don't even try to change? gah.......

not that i'm perfect, i'm obviously not, but really..

it's getting on my nerves.

the above doesn't only apply to classmates.

can't they just like.. think? for a moment?

ah, forget it. i'll just have to live with it.